Is it difficult to foresee where we are heading when we see the teeming millions lined up for hours behind trucks carrying foodstuff? Is it difficult to imagine what is brewing when we see our women being spanked with leather shoes and batons by the police and other government minions, when the governor of Punjab steps forward for an ill-fated photo opportunity distributing foodstuff to the extremely deprived Pakistanis? Why must we degrade our poor citizens like this? Let us now start respecting the poor and stop depriving them of their self-respect. Hunger can make a human being desperate and when the hungry outnumber the affluent in a situation where the gap between the deprived and the affluent becomes as wide as it is now in Pakistan, a catastrophe is always in the making. A hungry man has nothing to lose and when his basic human dignity is also violated, the combination can become very lethal. Beware is all one can say.
The political system of Pakistan is in tatters. The country has a Constitution that has been ripped over the last 36 years. Our Constitution is oft-quoted but freely violated with impunity. The Constitution dictates a Parliamentary form of government but over the 36 years of its life, Pakistan has had a mix of an effective and semi effective Prime Minister for only 15 years. Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was an effective Prime Minister as per the Constitution for four years, that is, from 1973 to 1977. The 11 years from 1988 to 1999, were shared between Shaheed Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif in two short stints for each with powers that were shared with two other members of the then existing troika — the President and the Army Chief. In the 90s, the President always weighed heavy on the Prime Minister because of his despicable powers conferred upon him by the still existing infamous Article 58 (2) (b) of the Constitution and the complete support of the army chiefs of that decade. The rest of the 21 years of the Constitution that dictates a parliamentary form of government were spent under two army chiefs proclaiming themselves as Presidents namely Gen Ziaul Haq (1977-1988) and Gen Musharraf (1999- 2008). Why must Pakistan have a Constitution at all if it has to be abrogated and violated freely? A country without an adhered to Constitution can hardly have a future to look forward to by its citizens. Therefore, corrective measures are urgently warranted.
The Senate in Pakistan was meant to be the major balancing factor between the provinces because all provinces enjoyed the same political weight in the Senate. The idea was to enable the smaller provinces to stall bills that may have been detrimental to the interests of the smaller provinces from becoming the law of the land to their disadvantage. Over the decades, this purpose has been defeated by cronyism. Today, every single senator is someone who has hung by the coat tails of the leader of his political party all his life or is someone who has landed in the Senate by the strength of his financial donations to his political party or, worse still, by the outright purchase of the requisite votes. How can the Senate then serve the purpose that it was meant for when it has turned into a bunch of 100 super sycophants masquerading as public representatives? The only way to have an effective Senate, for the purpose that the Constitution stipulated for it, is to have the senators elected directly by the people rather than be gifted their positions by their party leadership. There is no other way, and if this cannot be done, then the nation should be relieved of the financial burden of the present-day unrepresentative Senate. Those sitting in the Senate today cannot win councilors’ elections, but they still enjoy a high public representative status. The nominated senators system must go and be replaced by directly elected senators if we have to shape the future of Pakistan and its legislature.
To shape the future for Pakistan’s coming generations, the present generation will have to understand that the one guaranteed way of overcoming most of Pakistan’s problems is to release the stronghold on the federating units and let real and effective autonomy be exercised by the federating units/provinces. The provinces, in turn, will also have to yield a lot of their present functions to the local level. If this is done, we shall see the vibrant Federation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan returning to life at a fast pace. Everything has elasticity, but beyond a certain limit, it will snap. Direct rule over the provinces through control of financial and natural resources in Pakistan has reached its extreme and has no elasticity left. If stretched further, that direct rule will snap and will have drastic consequences.
Besides, Pakistan also has to heal the wounds suffered by the federating units, take hold over terrorism, incorporate a progressive foreign policy, ensure uniform rural and urban development in the country and, most of all, provide quality education to each and every Pakistani citizen if any sort of a bright future is to be shaped. Każdy oferuje szereg bezpłatnych kredytów (wirtualnych żetonów) do gry za darmo i bez pobierania i uruchomić bezpośrednio, bez rejestracji, niczym się nie zobowiązując i rejestracji. Każdy oferuje szereg bezpłatnych kredytów (wirtualnych żetonów) do gier platformowych, wybierz sam automaty do gry dla tych kto ceni autentyczne uczucia i . kasyno automaty Wybór automatów do gier online za darmokasyna można znaleźć tu! Na onlinekasyno48.pl możecie grać automaty do gry za darmo i bez pobierania i uruchomić bezpośrednio, bez rejestracji, niczym się nie zakosztować teraźniejszości hazardu, dla zabawy.Zwyczajnie w takim wariancie nie zobowiązując i oceńcie atmosferę jakościowych gier .