I have been particularly encouraged because I notice with a lot of satisfaction and pride that so many of our young and educated Khattaks and other pakhtuns use the internet with ease in these modern days. In the modern age this media must be utilised for educated people to have healthy and constructive discussions on matters that affect their lives. Let us all, therefore, try and keep in contact here and discuss local issues alongwith other issues that are of great significance to us all as a tribe. I do look forward to a fruitful interaction with the young and educated youth of our great Khattak tribe.
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This is the facebook url. Click and read and thereafter please leave your comments on this web page to generate a debate
Good Idea……..:)
Invite other people you know so we have a healthy discussion. would you too like to leave your own views also…will be nice of you…also please leave an email always
I was bit confuse with a picture of Isfandyar Wali Khan and Chief Minister amear khaider khan Hoti and another person was unknown to me ,but when read comments then come to know that it is our Nawabzada Mohsin Ali khan and don’t write anything about him , different people have different views about like corrupt politician , greedy politician, Lotaism, but in my opinion all the current political figures Including Masood Sharif Khan Khattak and Ayub Khattak has Less than 20% Interaction with the people of karak ,we the people of karak only see all Politician during election, don’t know where they are before,.. How the people of karak elect such a politicians which is unknown to them.
The politicians need to work on …………….
Otherwise the people will use the above words for all
You are right Wahab – one hundred percent right. I can only speak for myself and say that yes I have not kept the degree of contact that should have been kept. It has been a shortcoming on my part. It is a must. Others should speak for themselves. OK, so all my other positives should just be canceled out – would that be a right thing to do?. No that would also not be right. There are those who have lived amongst you all the time and people have elected them time and again. Tell me are you proud of the fact that you were represented by them in the assemblies. The political representatives of an area are the mirror reflection of the people who elect them. In my life I can say, with all honesty, that Late Mr Aslam Khan Khattak was someone who gave the KHATTAKS some recognition in the sense that because of him in Islamabad and Peshawar the KHATTAKS got to be known. Other than that any of you can come to Islamabad and ask who the other representatives sent by the KHATTAKS were and no one would even know them. There is much more to politics than just shaking hands all day and embracing each other day in and day out. Most of the waving of hands from the vehicle by politicians is all munafiqat. If you could only hear the comments made by both sides you will be astonished. Let us come to real life. As I said either we change or we do not. If we do not too bad. I openly admitted that my contact level was not as it should have been but that does not take the spirit out of me. Let us open our minds and discuss issues as we go along.
I agree with Asfandyar Khattak. In this discussion all along I have said that my intention is to try and do some talent hunt as we go along together. It is, undoubtedly, more than essential that the KHATTAKS look for alternative leadership – far beyond me or any other individual. I had indicated earlier that the Karak elections are like action replays of the last so many elections – the same people coming back to you all, again and again, and at times we favour one then the next time we take pity on the other and elect him only to repent within days.
Let me share with you all, only in outline, that if some of the local Karak politicians had not conspired in 2007-8 in connivance with some old PPP leaders like the then President of PPP NWFP who is now the Senior Minister of the NWFP to prevent me from becoming the PPP President in NWFP, today, the KHATTAKS may well have been enjoying the Chief Ministership of the Province. The loss has been that of the KHATTAKS and not mine alone.
Anyway, let me say that I am all for trying to find the best possible political leadership for the KHATTAKS for the next elections/mid term elections as and when they are held. But if the KHATTAKS put their trust in me I assure them one solid tenure in which we will surge and put our selves on the political map of Pakistan and during that time groom new leadership at all levels from amongst the new generation of educated and enthusiastic Khattaks. let us rise to the occasion and prepare for the coming times so that we are not left in the lurch.
In the most humble words let me thank those who have said kind words for me that I stand humbled and indebted. To those who have their grievances and may not say so let me say that whether those grievances are, or are not, well founded I would still regret the fact that someone has some thing going wrong for him for which he, rightly or wrongly, holds me responsible,. To such people I will say that for the larger purpose we must put those aspects aside and surge forward together to bring progress, prosperity and happiness to our future generations. May ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY be Merciful and help us in all our honest endeavours/efforts. Amen.
Dear Asfandyar, We will experince change soon Inshallah. Lets take a start in positive direction. I do appreciate debate at any forum. Besides this I feel need of informal meeting of KHATTAK FELLOWS.
Sir Masood, Once we sit togather and plan, there will be rush of khattak fellows, who would not only wait for your directions to work accordingly but also give new taste to the debate. This message would spread through word of mouth and other tools could also be used for advertisment.
Assalam alaikum All,
I have copied most of the comments from the FaceBook for quick reference of those who come on this site to discuss issues. These comments were made prior to what you read in the responses above this one on this site. Happy reading and I hope more KHATTAKS will join in and join hands for the betterment of the Khattaks – as I said betterment lies in political power and good representatives speaking for us at the national and political fora. It is time to stand up for ourselves.
Qaiser Mehmood
Sir, If we (the resident of Karak, particularly young generation) choose you our MNA (with assumption that we eventually forced you to participate in next elections), how would you behave different than others (who wished to have seat only for personal interests)? I know, only one seat from Karak district cannot demand alot in National Assembly but… See More we want someone to represent us in the way, what we really want. And is it wise to wait only for next elections? Can’t we (young generation with your support and guidance) do anything before that????? We are engineers, doctors, PhDs, etc
Masood Sharif Khan Khattak
Qaiser, are you asking me that question? Yes we can. Yes we will. But tell me are you all ready to make the difference? No one has ever changed destiny towards the better till the youth have struggled and stood firm for the change that they have always yearned for.
Qaiser Mehmood
Sir, we are more than enthusiastic. When we (class of youth belonging to karak living together in Islamabad) sit together and discuss local issues, I find my fellows ready enough to sacrify. I assure you of our support. Inshallah
Hafeez Ullah
the most greedy person n karak politics is mohsin ali khan, v all young generation love 2 see change nd the change of the day is crying for masood shrif khattak i love this person he served karak in the past also tht time he was with no intentention 2 cum 2 politics he is great the only person we can proudly say he is of karak thts enough our karak… See More is the 2nd most educated district n pakistan bt thy lack everying ,nw jion the hand of masood shrif khattak nd make ur identity .its responsiblity of every 1ne 2 start compain for this grt person ,i would like 2 see masood shrif with imran khan.
Asfandyar Khattak
@Masood sharif khattak and Qaiser mehmood
i had always been in favour of masood sharif khattak as far as the intersts of district karak is concernd…and had talked and asked for his selection as our representative at islamabd in many forums….and i thnk every youth is wishing tht…..bt the main problem is we are having zero home work for that… See More…every youth wants him as our representative bt our badluck tht we the youth havent united and the main reason for that is,we having no platform for that…and i thnk now a days nothing is more easy than to create a platform…..i am suggesting tht we should have khattak youth association on this facebook…..that would surely lead to the succeessful compaign for the selection of our desired representative which in current situation is no one else than masood sharif khattak
yara whatever nawab zada mohsin ali khan is….he is far better than these mullas which used to be our representatives there in islamabad….they are gud for nothing……its thye time tht we have to bring the change….and only we youth can do that….
Faisal Khan
Masood sharif khattak is one of wellknown and respected names in karak. I apreciate his efforts for country. And i would like to c him with IMRAN KHAN. For greater intrust of the COUNTRY and for District both.
Ayub Khattak
Its a pity that the youth of today do not try to find out facts from fiction but pretend they know all. Mr.Shafqat Khattak says that the politicians from the time of the late Yusaf Khattak till now are corrupt. Could he enlighten the people here as to what corruption Mr Yusaf Khattak did?? and i am also in Karak politics could he let me know how… See More i am corrupt. During the last regime i by the Grace of God got villages electrified. The ones that didnt have a hope in getting electricity in the next twenty years is this my corruption? And the people of some of these villages sold their votes, 300 of them for 300000 rupees.
Insha Allah in the near future i will enlighten the members here of how people sold their souls and the rights of the people of Karak for a paltry amount.
Learn to get facts before giving sweeping statements. I wonder how Mr. Masood Sharif has taken Mr. Shafqat Khattak’s sweeping statement. Mr. Quraysh Khattak your are right about the Nawabzada bit
Muhammad Zaman
Though not hopeful from da current politician who ever they are but as for as my information is concerned Mr Ayub Khattak did alot of work for the betterment of Karak despite he was not elected member as masood sharif Khattak did.. We the young generation are very worry abt the current situation an overall.. so da politcian and da ppl shud be more visionary.
Fazal Wahab Khattak
@Ayub Khattak, Agree with you that politicians are not corrupt, but we (karak people) elect wrong person every time and sold their soul for cash and other, in my opinion all those politicians are corrupt whose involved in this type of activities during Election ,he knows that his amount will recovered after electing .
We can… See More’t blame Politician or our leaders because we elect them, we elect a person who can’t speak a single word, can’t introduce himself in National Assembly and provincial Assembly then how he will fight for our rights, and for five Year he occupy NA and PF seats with no vision and mission , and only work for their supporter.
Masood Sharif Khan Khattak
Assalam alaikum one and all. Let me say that it is a pleasure to see this ongoing debate generated. Who agrees or disagree with whom is not what matters most. What is important is that there is a debate. It is important to be rational and objective in all that we say because this is not for point scoring at all.
I am indeed very happy to see my friend Ayub Khattak joining this debate. Ayub, I am glad you are here and we can discuss things with the young men of Karak – an educated lot who have struggled to get where they have got. They have been educated to levels of masters in so many disciplines by fathers who have sacrificed basic necessities for themselves to get their sons and daughters educated to the levels that they could reach. Cheers and hats off for all the great parents of the KHATTAK youth of today who managed to create amongst us this energetic and educated generation which i now see as the leaders taking this tribe into the future when it will be able to fight for its own ground on the basis of their abilities and the good leadership that people like me and Ayub Khattak must now find from amongst the new generation so that they can take over from our generation and get us rid of the politicians who want to rule us till each one of them is at least eighty years old.
Our ancestors have been soldiers and policemen and now we deserve to be placed amongst the educated elite of the country and our young generation must not be underemployed anymore. We have to join hands to bring about a political change in the area where all those who have so far posed to be the leaders of the KHATTAKS must be made to take the back seat and a new leadership must emerge which in due course can groom new and able successors for themselves who are not their relatives but are true sons of the soil who have the ability to lead the KHATTAKS into the future. Let me say that if we do not do this then living in the dark for another century will most certainly be our destiny.
It is not good to talk about oneself but like someone said that Ayub Khattak and I have never been the representatives of the KHATTAKS in any Assembly. Like Ayub just said he has done all those things even though he was not elected . That being the case the Khattaks must acknowledge his achievements and say thank you to him. I will say that THANK YOU on behalf of all of you young people.
As for myself I feel odd talking about myself but I must narrate something here…. See More
On one night when I was returning from the airport in the car of the then Prime Minister Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto I was asked by the Prime Minister as to how many people from my area had I recruited. I answered that there were many..not one, two or ten but many but I do not have the exact figure at the moment. Discussing this we arrived at the Prime Minister House at 2 30 AM and I was asked the same question again. My answer was once again the same on which I was ordered by the Prime Minister that the first thing I must do in the morning is to dismiss all the Khattaks that I had recruited and my immediate answer was short and simple. I said very respectfully “Prime Minister, I recruited the KHATTAKS and now if you want them dismissed you will first have to remove me from my position and appoint another DG IB who should then dismiss them as it is impossible for me to dismiss KHATTAKS recruited by me.” Eventually, neither I was removed nor were the KHATTAKS dismissed – instead even more were recruited because I had desired to open new avenues for the educated Khattaks other than joining the army as soldiers.
You see, it is easy for anyone to just get up and start criticising everyone for corruption etc. Lets avoid that and get on with the work in hand. All your politicians have let you down and it was you all who elected them. You elected them and they had the fun because like Ayub Khattak said so many of the voters had their short lived fun also in the shape of ill advised selling of their votes. Now wake up, you young people, and do not be taken for a ride again.
The KHATATKS never elected Ayub when I thought he was always the better option in PF 41 being an educated and enlightened man. In my case also ask a blind person to compare my profile with that of the MMA candidiate who won the elections in 2002 from me and he will tell you..”Oh Khattaks living in the dark is your destiny because you chose it for yourselves.”
So now wake up and let us all think of the future rather than crying over spilled milk and catch up with lost time.
You the young people are my priority – I don’t want to just contest an election and be elected but if that happens I intend to groom from amongst you some new young leadership for the future. Let us all join hands and give it our best kick in the forthcoming future.
I am sorry this got longer than I had intended..
Best of luck to all…drop the egos and the cynicism and lets join hands for a better future for the KHATTAKS..
Best Regards to one and all
Qaiser Mehmood
As people around in the group are talking about the efforts they made on the basis of “KHATTAK WRORWALI”, let me quote some examples here. Particularly, when Sir Masood has given example of employing khattak people.
There was a group of KHATTAK young unemployed graduates, when I came to Islamabad in Feb 2007. Only one (Mr Asif Javeed) was serving with Telecom sector organization as an Engineer. I can never forget his efforts, which he made to adjust these all (newly graduated unemployed Khattak fellows) in the same organization. Although he could help only 3 but that was his love for his KHATTAK brothers.
Air Weapons Complex Wah cantt has more then 15 to 20 KHATTAK persons employed in it. They are now settled and their kids are getting education in Wah Cantt schools. This is blessing of only one person (Group Capt Rehman Gul Khattak)…. See More
Being HR Professional, whenever I conduct an interview, my office fellows, non khattak friends always ask me with meanignful smile that the incumbant to this organization will be KHATTAK? Head Office (HR Department) has recieved several complaints against me for preferring KHATTAKS.
The message in above examples was that these are not only politicians, who are working for the walfare of KHATTAK community. I would also like to reply to MR AYUB KHATTAK that although you have served KARAK and people had not been kind to you but MR MASOOD SHARIF, MR ASIF JAVEED, MR REHMAN GUL and ME myself have also treated in the same way. We never recieved any thing in response. So only deliever and don’t demand.
Munir Iqbal
Thanks Masood for commenting in detail and i llike the very straigth forward comment… I hope and i am sure that you are interested and you have the abilities very much to change this raw enthusiest young lot to finshed one. So please come on do it… Wait no more…. We are proud of you… 10 oct 2002 was another dark day for the KHATTAKS. I cant… See More see any more this day… Please arrange a meeting at islamabad level for all Khattaks just to discuss for introduction becuase we know you from your dedication to khattaks.. So that we can discuss the problems of youth… Of our mothers, sisters, and those who are being craushed by us… WE CAN, WE WILL.
Masood Sharif Khan Khattak
For Qaisar Mahmood. I did not for a second intend to glorify myself. Look, it is not an easy thing to throw one of the country’s five or so most powerful jobs the way I almost did. It is’nt easy. Anyhow, I am grateful that you named some good people amongst us …now what can be done is that we get these people on board too as we charter the course… See More for future betterment of our people. I always said in my electoral meetings that political power is the magnet that pulls development to any area. We have always dissipated our political strength from which then parties contending for political power in Peshawar or Islamabad use our representatives for the number game or they are used as pawns(paidas) in the folds of opportunistic political parties whose leaders get them counted for their nuisance value in Islamabad or Peshawar. Your PF 40 MPA has provided that one vote count to ANP adding up to their clout in Peshawar and Islamabad without the slightest advantage to Karak’s electorate. The PF 41 and NA 15 representatives that the KHATTAKS elected have given strength to the bargaining and wheeling dealing of JUI F leadership in Islamabad. What have the KHATTAKS got out of the last elections? Nothing, no political power at all and thus no development of any significance. None whatsoever…so what do we expect? The trouble is that every one of us thinks he or she is a political strategist. The KHATTAKS will have to create that political clout of two MPAs and one MNA to work for the best interests of the KHATTAKS – and if we don’t do that and throw away our vote to opportunists then we should also stop crying about being neglected. We will always be neglected whether we cry or laugh. O POLITICAL BARGAINING POWER NO NOTHING – SIMPLE AS THAT.
I was very happy indeed to note all that Qaisar has written to highlight the deeds of some good KHATTAKS. May ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY be always Merciful to them and Bless them with all that they have ever desired in life.Amen
Regards to all
Abdul Qadir
I would also thx to Masood Sharif Khattak on this constructing type conversation 4 young Khattaks and hope that he will do more 4 khattaks coz khattaks needs it as they have been kept backward by our elected leaders in the past and we all should play important role of our part in this regard. Like Masood Sharif if we do not do this then living in the dark for another century will most certainly be our destiny.I would like to add something more ” Someone going no where finally reaches there”.
Qaiser Mehmood
Sir Masood, You might have analyzed that almost all Khattak members of this group are committed to strive for development. I guess, it is now time to take practical step. I would be glad to serve at any level (taking time out from my ongoing study and job assignments). In my humble opinion, if we can start with some practical natured assignments (after brief discussion and consultation with all fellows available for discussion) either through face to face meeting or opening a debate on internet. If someone asks me about agenda I think we need:
1. To plan, how can we utilize the services of educated, resourceful, skillful and committed KHATTAK fellows for KARAK’s development.
2. What short term and long term goals to be achieved to help the people of KARAK in overcoming problems of education, health, employment and other important issues. We can go for SMEs, NGOs, hospitals, schools, colleges even university etc. (Although it is not a reasonable time to disclose this secret but it may motivate someone, despite little knowledge and limited resources I have intentions to work for opening a university in District KARAK after completing my PhD. Inshallah BUT IT MAY TAKE NEXT 10-15 years, Can we affort such long wait………..)… See More
3. How to mobilize the community to join our cause?
If we bring reasonable solution of these questions, our initiative may lead us towards right direction, which includes not only electing MNA and MPA of our desire/wish but also drive them to take stance which is towards the development of the area.
These young and educated members of this group are not like the younng generation, who only joins face book for killing time. But these are open resources available for any leader to utilize it. Let C, who takes initiative?
Asfandyar Khattak
i am sorry to say,THOUGH BITTER BUT TRUE WE PAKISTANIS love to criticize others,we love to be ideal and in the world of dreams and we hate to be practical…again sorry if someone gets hurts…i am sure everyone of us is a good orator but very few of us are upto their words….to be practical is the cry of the day…….its always we who had … See Moreelected wrong people again and again and we never learnt frm our past mistakes…sorry to say bt we had always sold our conscuis for our selfish motives and at the end we always pay very heavy for that….bt now there should be a change in real sence for the real prosperity of khattakistan….we should nt divide our strength bt sould give our aninimous decision for the brighter khattakistan….here i totallly agree with QAISER MEHMOOD we have to take pracitcal steps right frm today…we wont get anythng frm this debate unless and untill we do our practical homework…
Masood Sharif Khan Khattak
why should you expect Fazal Wahab? Step forward and become part of the productive activity..I am saying time and again taht we need to bring to the fore young and new leadership..so let us all all stop expecting and move on to action..every one of us ..the first step is to build public opinion for the future…each one can do that i his own humble way…
Masood Sharif Khan Khattak
The tarburwali politics of Karak has to finish if the KHATTAKS are to get any where in the future. It is a pity that the KHATTAKS have not been able to think of anything beyond the four or five politicians we find contesting the elections for the last two and a half decades. I am going to transfer this discussion to my web page and thereafter we… See More … See Morecan join in discussion there also as over here too. My aim is to develop from amongst you young KHATTAKS a new leadership for the people of KARAK – a leadership that goes beyond who voted for me and who did not after any elections are over. No more action replays of the past elections please.l
Masood Sharif Khan Khattak
Assalam alaikum everyone once again. I have a website https://www.sharifpost.com
This where I write or post my articles and other aspects. What I will do is that I will open a section there that is dedicated to Karak. Let us start meeting on that and let us discuss things there. We shall soon INSHA ALLAH meet i.e. all the enlightened and educated KHATTAKS working and studying in Peshawar and Islamabad. Let the educated ones lighten up the path for the less enlightened and the less fortunate KHATTAKs to follow. It is you people who have to emerge as leaders – That is my purpose – to create a situation for the emergence of new leadership. please do visit this site and it will be nice to transfer this debate there. Invite others you know also to this site.
Fazal Wahab Khattak
Mr Rizwan Khattak , we all discuss here that he join another party he is lota , greedy politician ,etc
Why we discuss him may be he inspire from ANP MOTO may be he have some positive think behind this for karak.
In my opinion there is no one who talks about the improvement of education, improvement of health, improvement of Road, improvement of technology, Water Resources and life style of Karak.
Masood Sharif Khattak, i had ealier requested you to let us know your status with PPPP but i could not get any response. R u still with the party whose leaders make two-third list of NRO? To me, it’s not a party at all. It’s a group of bandits who have joined hands for their self interests. Plz come without PPP tag. You will find us all live on your call…..
Assalam alaikum Zafar,
I am sorry if I, unintentionally, overlooked your question earlier. So here is my answer.
As you know when the PPP decided to make a political adjustment with Musharraf in 2007 and did not join the civil society’s movement for the restoration of judiciary I had resigned from the basic membership of the PPP, from the Central Executive Committee of the PPP and also from the position of Vice President of the PPP. Ever since I have not, as yet, joined any other Party nor am I in the PPP.
I must also add here that despite the fact that I was Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s Intelligence Chief when she was the Prime Minister which means that I was her and her government’s eyes and ears and this made me one of her most trusted aides. By virtue of all that I was also a very powerful member of the power structure of that time.
Being one of the closest of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s confidantes I was the first person targeted by Farooq Leghari’s interim regime when Farooq Leghari dismissed Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s Government on 05 November 1996. Subsequently, I was victimised on political grounds all the way to 2008 after which the present PPP government has also opted to continue my victimization which is still ongoing. I stand my ground on principles that matter to me.
I can proudly say that despite that victimization and all the efforts of NAB and Ehtesab Bureau they could not take me to any court on grounds of any sort of wrong doings. You can see the NRO list, or any other list, but you will not find my name anywhere. I am proud of the fact that having been one of the most powerful functionary of that time reporting directly to the Prime Minister of Pakistan and receiving orders from no one except the Prime Minister of Pakistan I do not figure in any list that is connected with corruption of any sort.
So that is how things are as they stand today. I am in no political party at the moment though many options are open. I would like to hear from you and others whatever advice and suggestions can come forth.
W/salam. Many thanks for your quick response. I am happy to hear that you have stayed away from the lethal business done by the so called leaders of PPP. Regarding your future political affiliation, we trust you can make a better decision. We don’t want you necessarily to be a minister in any govt but be a part of a team who believes in fair play. By the way, PTI is not a bad option. It’s my personal view. I don’t have any political affiliation but i have been watching the PTI since long. Although, it’s not a big party but precious things always come in small packs…..God bless you..
i am glad to c such a fruitful and thought provoking discussion here specilly related to us.. i will just mention that district karak is having the highest littercy rate in pakistan but so far we had been miserably failed to elect some one whom we really need.. there is no dearth of talent in KHATTAKS all we need is just good sense of proportion and judgement. and about masood sharif i must tell you that he is a man of nationl and internationl caliber and our local so called politician are not even zero percent of him.. but what matters here is not this.. still masood sharif was undone in the election because we go by the futile speeches of those politician. we never see thier actions.. its high time for us to draw a line between good and bad.. and to masood sharif i must say and am sorry to say that no doubt in the presnt time you are the most suitable person for NA15 but at the same time u visit this constitutency once in a blue moon.. you may think it least matter but those people think it other way.. and for the young students i must appreciate them but at the same time they should compromise their studies as well..
i m very much impresed sir 4 this wondereful job which u have done.sir bringing karak in the lime light will at least have a sound knock on the doors of those people which have just got votes n then left the people at thei own.this fertile valley which has now excelent quality of petrolieum n gas which has the highest rate of literacy ,which has been a symbol of peace,n which has the highest no of officers in the army just needs fresh young blood n leadership.n abt u sir i know u very deeply frm petaro.u have the talent n courage not only upto speaking bt wid matching skills on the ground . sir this is high time to fight back 4 our rights so tat at least our young generation should not face those problems which our ancestors facced wid so much resources… i would feel honour if i m of some work to my people.we r wid u sir in each n every step of urs..
Hello All,
I do not belong to Karak but to Lachi. I suggest and appreciate if this forum highlights issues and problems of all areas so that everyone can meet the much needed progress, development and prosperity our people had been waiting for.
After leaving PPP in 2008, whats your future political plans? Are you going to join any other political party or will you context elections as an independent candidate?
Many political observers believe that Fareed Toofan and Maj Masood Sharif have played their role in politics and now they are part of history. How would you respond to it.
With regards,
I will appreciate Masood Khattak to make himself available via this page for quick and effective interaction.My point is that all our leadership is keeping them selves loose enough in their parties so that they can fly any where at the time they feel right.Being backward district our leaders must keep close and long ties with main political parties so that their creditability is established and they can bring funds and investment to the area and also present them self in their party as future chief minister of province.The wrongs of party can be resolved with in party and the loyalty should be with party rather with personality.I am attached to PPP from 1973 and am still breathing in PPP with out taking any advantage from this party or its Gov,t.We should hold our position as people of great resolve and let us change the fortune of karak.Yousaf khan Chokara
Mr Yousaf Khan….I am not attached to any party but I am totally aginst those who plunder the national exchequer with both hands like the so called leaders of PPP r doing. It is not something to be resolved within the party. They are looking the tax amount which i am paying on my hard earned salary. Secondly, R u still attached to a party who killed BB just to grab powers? Co-chairman says they have arrested 90% of the BB’s killers…..What abt the 10%…Mr Zardari..
Though I didn’t receive response to the questions raised in my earlier post, its difficult to find a person of Mr. Masood Sharif’s calibre in todays Pukhtoonkhwa particularly in Karak District. People of Karak district had great expectations from him. Without going into the details, it was unfortunate that he resigned from the basic membership of the ruling PPP. Though he might have resigned after establishing serious differences with the party leadership, perhaps there were other options available for him. The case of Barrister Aitezaz Ahsan is there. The end result is that the people who wanted to overthrow him were successful. Had Benazir Bhutto Shaheed been alive today, the situation might have been different for him. The need of the hour is that he re-adjust himself in todays politics without compromising on his principals. Honesty & loyalty is the best policy as we all read in the books but we must not forget the story of Air Marshal Asghar Khan in Pakistani politics. With best wishes for our honourable Mr. Masood Sharif Khan Khattak.
Usman Khattak
In response to zafar khattak.If you can kill your dearest one then they can kill her also and if you can not then take care of your words.we never knows that our money is spend where but we are fond of blaming others.You think that your nuclear back defence you establish by talking only.Wake my friend and as Benazir shaheed write in her last book,in Pakistan you will be shown what is not happening and the one real happen will never be told.After all some body is to take the blame for the strengthening of defence and it is always politicians or rulers.The 3rd thing is that PPP leadership may be corrupt but in proportional to the whole nation not more then that.You know how much honest we are and our party breath in us.Try to study in depth and don’t use the language of others.Be creative and investigative and you will see how much wrong you were in so many things.PPP is the only party serving the nation in high way,start from constitution,nuclear and missile program and framing you as an acceptable nation for the world.If for example your father kill your mother you will stand against him even if you were not that much good son.if i am right then remember Benazir have three talented kids and they were loving her more than father.So if they are not blaming him me and you will make laugh of our selves.I am in PPP and you will bury me as PPP.Inshallah but please go in depth and don’t become parrot.Tnx
Assalam alaikum Usman Khattak and everyone else,
I do understand what you are trying to say. Please do read what Mr Yousaf Khan Khattak has written. That is exactly what I was moving towards but it was the so-called politicians from Karak itself, who joined the conspiracy meant to stop me from becoming the President PPP of the then NWFP as the first step towards working towards making of a government in the then NWFP. It was a live possibility in 2007 that I could have worked myself politically to become one of the strongest contenders for the chief minister’s slot in the then NWFP. I would like to say that for myself, for the then NWFP, for the poor and down trodden people of the land of the pakhtuns and for the Khattaks at the local level it was a collective loss. That has happened and is part of the past. But it is always the past that leads to the future.
The land of the Pakhtuns need people who can lead them out of the quagmire that they find themselves in today. No one on earth seems to be worried about the welfare of the Pakhtuns including those in power today in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
I would like to hear from you young people and other educated pakhtuns using the net telling us all how they would like things to proceed for the Pakhtuns, how and what should be the course for the future.
I am going to be a listener in this debate and after I analyse your views I shall be in a better position to know whether I am right in following the course that may exist in my mind, though not shared, at that point of time.
So lets hear you all in what I would call brain storming. It is not a must that I respond to each comment but please know that I am reading what you write and it will help us all to formulate a course.
Mr Masood Sharif resign from party is clear proof that he was not committed member of this nation wise national party.By resigning from such integrated party he distance and dissociated this poor karak from 34 to 36 % people.In my opinion personal ego should be surrendered for larger interest of your area if you really love it.
Mr Yousaf Khan Khattak,
I do understand what you are saying. But you are looking it with a myopic interest. Please do take time out to read my open letter addressed to my leader Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto at the time that I resigned. The link is given below.
I would suggest that others also read that letter and know why I resigned and now say, using hindsight, whether I was wrong in saying what I said then. I am a believer in the fact that politics must contain convictions and principles. If you disagree on that then do not compalin about what you have seen around you in the past and waht you are witnessing at present. Let the status quo be and keep suffering rather than being brave enough to break the shackles and make the change. It was only me in this instance. Tomoroow there will be more such people and with time even more and that is when the change will occur. Be the catalysts and bring that change faster
Very funny Mr Yousaf….Mr 10% is lucky enough to have blind followers like you….if you can’t dare to ask the question of BB’s murder how can his kids ask this from his father no matter how talented they are?
Can you tell us all why some very committed leaders of PPP like Naseer Ullah Babar resigned? Why has Dr Safdar, Naheed Khan, Aitezaz Ahsan etc been side lined? Why is Senator Raza Rabani not listened at CEC meetings? Why is Rehman Malik & Babar Awan not given for interrogation by UN or the FFC who are the main players in BB’s murder? This is only becoz if these people are pressed to speak the truth they will definitly name the person on whose behalf they did all this. Masood Sharif is not the one who resigned from PPP on matters of principles. There is a long list. You must read.
In response to Zafar if You respect and love theses PPP leaders including our proudly Leader masood Sharif Khattak,then you must remember that they were the front rider of the party when peoples like you and Nawaz sharif were blaming PPP leadership for corruption etc.They are still in PPP but may be not too much active.I can understand your problem as people like you were firing Quaid-e-Awam when he was alive and then firing Shaheed B.B but praising Quaid-e-Awam.Now Shaheed B.B was good but Zardari bad…I am seeing and listening this musical show from 1970.I don,t know at that time You were born or not…but let me tell you that all mega industries including PAC.heavy industries Taxila.Pof WAH,steel mill.Dastoor,Missile complex and so many are there because of these great leaders you call them what and what not.Nawaz sharif accepted the victimization of PPP leadership and Masood Sharif is one living example among us…Make your study deep and take care.Regards
Yousaf…you did not answer my question. Plz don’t put others credits in PPP’s legder…What abt the people of PPP who make 2/3 of NRO list? You seem one of the group of bandits of PPP. You might have some personal interests attached to PPP like many others who have/ being given some material benefits as merit & transparency are no words in present PPP dictionery….
In response to Zafar,you don’t qualify to put yourself on page as you lake a lot as an educated and informed person.May be you like to build building on pretending and assumptions but you are good for speeches in gatherings not on net.Here we talk on logics and proofs.I mention already that i never get any thing from party and build my self and my family by working hard in honest way and am still working.I am proud of my self as my hands are clean and i believe in giving rather accepting.I respect those who don’t agree in what i believe.I will say that thing which is fact.You don.t know who made steel mill,Taxila heavy industries,Pakistan aeronautical complex and your constitution and who lay foundation for your nuclear programs and using political abuse style.Did you read the letter and phone calls made to justice Qayum and do you know that President Zardari serve 9 years jail with out punishment from court and do you know what your law say about it.I am afraid you know none of these and last but not least go and ask in chokara not for from you what benefits i got from party.Even my street was left from laying down gas line in recent days being ppp in power.i am not talking from moon we can verify by our self what we write and what we claims.This is the beauty of this post.Regards and love you all
Mr Yousaf….I can’t understand your broken english but to sum up…birds of feather flock togther…you have same mentality as Mr 10%, Rehman malik etc…They have ‘hard earned’ money in Swiss banks…Indeed…..specially the money which doesn’t belong to you is very hard to earn…Secondly, You must be in search of an oppertunty of corruption otherwsie how can one believe that you are affiliated with present PPP & your hands are clean….or you must be joking….
Asalamualykum.Although our district was poor in resources but we were able to cover that by getting good education.We earn money from abroad and also work hard with in the country.The result is that we were able to raise the housing standard of our district.We appreciate those who built well facilitated houses in district karak.Alhamdullelah as we have oil and gas resources our leader ship need to press on provincial and federal level to get more money for development of karak.Our local gov,t need to make scheme in every town for roads and sewerage system and then to implement it in different time.I give this idea in personal to Rehmat salam also who was sitting Nazim at that time.But i don,t know after as I am abroad looking for hallal income and helping my country in bringing foreign exchange.some one has to follow it.Tnx
Assalam alaikum,
You are all well meaning people and have a positive and constructive appraoch. I am proud of each one of you. I am extremely proud of the fact that we, as a people, because of examples set by our ancestors, are known to be loyal, sincere, hard working, trustworthy, educated, intelligent and above all honourable and proud.
Most elders in Gurguri (Banda Daud Shah0 will tell you that I facilitated MOL to come forth and start their explorations in Gurguri when they were very apprehensive about security and other such things. I am indebted to the elders of Gurguri area who agreed on most matters as I suggested to them for settlement with MOL so that teh explorations could get underway. Today look where we are – we have many wells today in Karak that are producing so much gas.
Sometime ago I took representatives of some foreign investors who were looking for a site for a cement factory meant to produce cement for transportation to Central Asian States. The project would have been near completion today but the general security situation of teh Province scared those investors away. Bad Luck that time I guess.
Yes, there is a need to try and build gas based industry in Karak. The representatives that have been elected by the people for the present should have been working on this aspect. I hope they are doing that and if they are not then they should be approached to do so.
Assalamualaykum.We are rightly proud to be of Karak.In this worst period of our history we are seeing peace in our District.Alhamdullelah.This credit goes to our elders and our educated youngsters.If it is true then those who are our elected members are requested to highlight this unique feature of our District in every fora and try to bring more investment to our poor district.It will not be difficult for them as strong and peaceful Karak is very important for Pakistan and our province.The selected educated delegation should meet the prime minister and chief minister and helped the members to press the requirements of our District.Proper record should be maintain of such efforts and follow up should be made to this effect.Tnx
I want to share with my all Khattaks who represent Karak as an active members of political parties that they are very weak in establishment of basic structure of their party.They must keep record of their members in different union council.They are required to stay in touch with their workers to strengthen the party politics at district level.It will close the doors for independent candidates from karak and also bring the high level national politicians in to district and will understand our problems.Tnx
sir your encouraging comments are welcomed here with new dimensions and parameters.i hope our khattaks will steer the nation towards the right direction if the potentials are hereby used in right direction.we-the youngsters are needed to launch an awareness programme to locate the issue and find out the remedy for the lingering issue.hope my this little suggestion will be given considerable place for suggestions
Having spent a lil over 10 years abroad, I am watching the debate going on on The Sharif Post. I would like to express my gratitutde to Mr. Masood Sharif Khan for providing a platform to the people to share their views which would ultimately help in making good decisions.
If we look at the history of Khattak Nama of Karak, we have been sending Mullas to our assemblies since Ayub & Bhuttos’ era. The result is there. Just look at the activities of our representatives in the national assembly and the efforts they made for the welfare and upbringing of this unfortunate district.
We lost almost 4 decades by sending these opportunist people and now its high time to reconsider our approach towards national politics.
I remember that some one told me in early ninties during first PPP government that a son of the soil named Mr. Masood Sharif has asked people to announce throughout Karak that unemployed educated youth should submit their CVs through an ordinary mail to his office. The people were asked not to approach any malik or elder for recommendations instead use ordinary envelope of Pakistan Post Office and submit their CVs. They were also requested not to visit Peshawar or Islamabad for face to face meeting and instead use posal service. This was an unprecedented and unbelivable move in the history of Pakistan and quite few people got their jobs on merit.
How pitty it is that some people still debate the eligibility of a person of international calibre who was twice one of the closest aid of the Prime Minister of Pakistan for a national assembly seat. A person who remained instrumental in key decisions making for the whole of the country. Here I would like to present a Pushto verse for Mr. Masood Sharif Khan;
”Khalaq da khawro na zar jore kri,
Za bad qesmata yam chay ta khawray kawoma”.
People are wondering as to how the literate people of Karak voting for MMA candidates? Just look at the 2002 election results and one is surprised that we also voted 10000 votes for a candidate who came from another province and hold one election meeting there.
Observers believe that we have done enough for MMA candidtes. From now onwards the people of Karak must think positively for their future generation. The future generations will not forgive us if we didn’t start electing right people for the right job. The right candidate should have political vision, at least of a provincial cablibre if not national and should be well connected in the political corridors.
I remember the comments made by one Khattak during a social gathering in Dubai in December 2007. While discussing the election campaign of the country, the news of Mr. Masood Sharifs’ resignation from PPP broke out, the gentle man said, ”The Khattaks once again lost another decade”.
With Best wishes and warm regards to every one.
Usman Khattak
@Usman khattak.I was insisting on same grounds in my early comments that resigning from main political party by our asset of decades was unfortunate and as you said I agree with you that we lost again.But some friends of this forum without knowing me blaming me for personal interest or what and what not.I give my address to check that what I got from any political leader and still waiting for their reply.I am here abroad for last 20 years and getting good salary and working for Gov,t so from where I get HARAM money.But you know these good Muslims and Khattaks that with out verifying what comments they give on my upsettings on Masood khattak decision.It is my right to express my opinion on any event effecting my Karak.This is democratic way and we still miss this link.
I read all the comment of my Khattak brothers, really i highly appreciate them,i also noticed that our youth deeply realize that KHATTAK S needs political changes in their Area,which is unfortunately hold by traditional or in other words commercial politician.
the time has come to take steps forwards in the political field of karak.our representative should highly educated and the shadow of most educated district of Pakistan.In my opinion that one is Masood Khattak.He is the only identification symbol of Khattaks after the great Aslam Khan Khattak.
Dear All,
I have been reading the tall claim being made regarding the highest literacy rate of District Karak. If getting a Certificate or a Degree from a University is a criteria for literacy, it might be true but otherwise the claim seems to be incorrect.
In the modern age of 21st century, if you tell any one in the world that you don’t have a single University in the whole of your district and there are villages where no electricty is available and yet there is no Industrial Unit and many women bring drinking water on the back of donkeys and still you claim to be the highest literate district of Pakistan.
People are known by the leaders they choose. Just look at our track record of 20 years or so and you will find how much literate we are. Perhaps it would be a joke of the century that the most literate people of Pakistan are electing the most illitrate stuff.
A leader is a lengthen shadow of the people who elect him/her. So look at our record and one will find out how much literate we are.
When it comes to the election, we somehow forget and loose all our wisdom and go to the polling both with eyes closed.
In the history of Afghans & Pushtoons, the Khattaks have contributed in all fields throughout the history. They remained leaders of the rest of tribes for most of the times. Today probably we are the most unfortunate Khattaks who forgot our traditions.
Da Afghan pa nang may watarala toora,
Nangyalay da Zamanay Khushal Khattak yam.
Khuda nay us qaum ki halat naheen badli.
Na ho jis ko Khayal aap apni halat badalney ka.
With warm regards to everyone.
Usman Khattak,
Dabb, Karak.
Very nice Usman but how long will we curse at this darkness? why don’t we, the young ones, come forward to light a candle? Let’s make a joint force of youngsters & educated people from karak to make a way out otherwsie we will be ruled forever by those who we send to assemblies & then they kidnap our people for ransom. There r thousands of people who r in search of real, fair & loyal leadership. May be we can make a difference. I am sure masood Sharif Sb will help us as before. Thanks to all….
if any change or revolution has to come in PAKISTAN it would be from young generation,i mean students..As i also belong to to karak (NA15) I know the mantality of the people.religious parties have very strong influence there.to counter them you will have leave some of you choices which are consider liberal.I hope you pick my point.Sir,onething to be remember that leader has nothing personal or private.Many of us has praised the services of Muhammad Aslam khan Khattak but i think he has done nothing compare to what he could have done for karak.He remained in power for almost 40 years(1960 to 1995),Just think about the positins he chaired(Governer,interior minister,Senior minister besides other ministries).Upto my knowledge he is the only one from karak who has enjoyed federal ministries alongside these attractive chairs.He is the man who bring money to karak politics,he is respnsible for that.I am eye whitness to that.He was always supported by these malaks.Then the same money was used in karak politics by Moohsin ali khan,mian nisar gul etc.@Masoood sharif,sir i disagree with you on the point that yoour opponents have used money in election against you,as i have followed that election very closely.Mulvies have never used money in election in karak nor they have, though they have used mumber of masjid.religious parties have vote bank in karak,this is the fact u like or dislike.But the fact is that in 2002 election MMA has cleaned sweep in NWFP.No matter who was confronting them that time, they will have to suffer.keep in mind that their vote bank was also divided when mufti ajmal decide to contest the election as independent candidate.The other thing is that you rely on PPP worker instead of young,educated class.Things would have better if you prefer young generation,students instead of PPP worker.Personally i am feeling much prouder to support you without the tag of PPP.It would have been too much difficult for me to compain for u under the umbrella of CORRUPT PPP.I think IMRAN KHAN would be much better choice for you as he also talks about revolution or change.You could be his strong pillar in NWFP.Sometime we have to sacrifice for natinal interest. waiting for your comments(masood sharif khattak)
It will be another beginning, if he will join PTI as this party needs a lot of experience and time to come in the circle to rule.We must understand that a strong local leader can do much more if he is in main political leader and that will be called sacrifice for national interest your own interest.The other option should be then again struggle and you know we spent more then 60 years in ignore mode and another 60 will go in the struggle mode.Every political party is corrupt as we as a nation are more then 80% corrupt.Some parties and leaders are not highlighted and some are targeted by media and others agencies.Trust me.
“Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities… because it is the quality which guarantees all others.”
“Feeling and longing are the motive forces behind all human endeavor and human creations.”
“To dream anything that you want to dream. That’s the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.”
“May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human enough hope to make you happy.”
“Success, happiness, peace of mind and fulfillment – the most priceless of human treasures – are available to all among us, without exception, who make things happen – who make “good” things happen – in the world around them”
“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”
“I strong believe in democracy, because it releases the energies of every human being.”
For Muhammad Tahir Khattak:- This is what you wrote….Quote..@Masoood sharif,sir i disagree with you on the point that yoour opponents have used money in election against you,as i have followed that election very closely.Mulvies have never used money in election in karak nor they have, though they have used mumber of masjid.religious parties have vote bank in karak,this is the fact u like or dislike…Unquote
I do not recollect ever having said something like that. I may have mentioned money being used in general. Please reconcile or tell me where have I ever said that I lost because my opponents who beat me won because they used money? Yes, many of those who lost to me used lots of money but still lost to me. This is why I have always said that I salute all those silent voters of mine, people who wanted the change I had professed, people who did what was according to them the right thing irrespective of whether I knew or did not know that they had voted for me. Those were the thousands of Khattaks who wanted and still want that change. That number I am sure has now increased after so many years.
May I ask how many of you youngsters have, by now, started a silent campaign in your own spheres of influence for the change that you all keep talking about? Is there any one who can raise his hand? If not then talking here on the internet alone and making high sounding promises, statements and desires to do wonders are meaningless.
Play your roles without seeking an acknowledgment of those roles as the desire of personal recognitions have never ever brought about any substantial change anywhere in the world at any point of time in history. Big time revolutions and changes have always occurred when the people wanting those drastic changes have been ready to play their roles for the collective good of the people, irrespective of personal recognitions.
You young and educated people have to now stand up and get counted for the Khattaks and the Pakhtuns and have to act in the right direction in a positive manner…for the collective benefit of the Khattaks and in fact all the Pakhtuns. We, the Pakhtuns and the Khattaks, now deserve a better deal within the Federation of Pakistan than what we have received so far. Political power has to be brought to this great land of the proud and brave Pakhtuns and it can only be done through collective and unified political power.
You young people have to now become the catalysts for the good future of the Pakhtuns. Its also time that the Pakhtuns are treated with respect by all.
I agree with you and Maulvi did not spend money.They cash the innocence of Khattaks.The basic problem is that we miss democratic values at all.One of the essence of it is political workers of party and its organization,we don,t have at all.We are addicted of personalities and have no political ideology.We need to break this trend and send some one to Islamabad who can speak loud and clear.We are producing oi and gas and working in important Gov,t departments.Our Member should reflect our wisdom and political direction but I am sorry to say that we are very good in falling down our icons and stand by the side of inefficient and sending wrong people to assemblies who are doing some thing we can,t be proud of that,examples are in front of us.Don,t you think we are responsible for electing such people,if yes then listen to the music..
I remember the story of bringing phone facility to our town Chokara.It was taking place very slowly and a lot of patience and energy was required to listen the logics of PTCL.But then it happen and alhamdullelah we get communicated.recently when they were lying lines for gas supply,PTCL and the GAS authorities on district or Tehsil level did not arrange a single meeting to coordinate in such way that PTCL lines(u/ground)should not be damaged but as per usual they make sure that our phone lines get damage.my question is,why our departments not learning from past,and are we having minds and what our engineer doing..only thinking of making commission..
Can I change the topic? I assume …Yes. Ok! Can we a safe future to our youth? Can we make them stay at their homes while their families need them? We…almost all the Khattaks go out after matriculation or Masters. Can’t we bring things to our doorsteps? How can we? and WHEN?
I apologize in advance but am very very disappointed to view the comments of Masood Sharif Khattak and other highly educated Khattak brothers discussing the plight of Khattaks not of all Pukhtoons.If u educated people confine urself to tribes and vie for a Khattak chief minister then it is unworthy of ur great tribe which has a glorious past in Pukhtoon history.I think The Great Khushal Khan Baba will be turning in his grave to know that some people are out to further divide Pukhtoonk knowingly or unknowingly instead of integrating them.The very theme of Khushal Baba’s this verse is on Pukhtoon nationalism not Khattakism
You all can improve the living standards in Karak and can demand equal share in developmental funds for the area from a bigger plateform that is Pukhtoon nationalist plateform not with a national assembly seat or provincial assembly seat.More over it is not the chiefministership of the province or any powerful seat even the presidency of Pakistan which can guarantee the prosperity of an area(I hope u get me) rather it is the political unity of a race or ethnicity which can guarantee all the above.Try to broaden ur vision and the targets.Pukhtoons need unity of all tribes to get what they deserve.We all are downtrodden, oppressed , neglected and exploited it isn’t only the Khattaks who have been suffering but all the Pukhtoons. You can visit http://www.khyberwatch,com (Hujra online) and Pukhtoonkhwa Peace Forum on face book to interact with Pukhtoons from all tribes all over the world.
Assalam alaikum Yousafzay,
On behalf of the Khattaks whose comments you have read and were upset about and on my own behalf I would like to say that you have understood us wrongly. This page that you are commenting upon is titled KARAK and the comments here are KARAK specific i.e in terms of elections in that constituency and how they have been in the past and what the Khattaks would like for themselves in the coming elections..whether they would like to maintain status quo or struggle for a change. Simple as that. Since the page is dedicated to KARAK the comments have been obviously on a narrower front and not on a broader front encompassing the Pakhtuns as a whole.
As far as the aspirations for the top political offices are concerned I think it is a legitimate right of people participating in active politics to strive for and achieve offices from where they can make the real difference. There is nothing wrong with that at all. But it certainly does not mean, to a man like me, that if one does attain such an office he will only look at his home constituency and not at the collective good of the Pakhtuns as one big brotherhood. A man like me will have a broader perspective than what the Pakhtuns have so far experienced.
Look at the power structure of the Province as it stands today. The Chief Minister is from Mardan, One Senior Minister is from Peshawar and the other senior Minister is from Mardan. Show me one man of any standing today that represents the people of the southern districts in the power politics of the Province and the Federation. No one. This is what the Khattaks here are cribbing about that they always elect people who could never attain those kind of positions and that, therefore, they should try and elect people of a caliber and status who can then represent them in the power corridors. Anything wrong with that? No nothing at all.
I just gave you the example of the present power structure. But if someone like me was to be the Chief Minister I would never have brought about a structure like that and instead would have brought in a balance. If I had been there Chitral to DI Khan everyone would have felt that they have a Chief Minister, that they have a government that they can call their very own and feel proud of. Every inch of what is our Province would have had the fairest and most equitable treatment.
Having touched upon those aspects that were brought to your mind as irritants let me draw your attention to an article on the Home Page of my web site titled Pakhtuns – Unity and Political Power. The link is https://www.sharifpost.com/2010/06/15/the-pakhtuns-unity-and-political-power/ I do hope you will read it and you will understand me a wee bit better that to me each and every Pakhtun is as important as the other irrespective of where he comes from.
There is another piece titled ‘The Enterprising Pakhtun’ to read which you shall only have to click https://www.sharifpost.com/2010/02/10/536/
You will have a better assessment of my thinking after you read those posts. I am in total agreement with you that it is time for the Pakhtuns to demonstrate political unity in a big way so that their political strength is put in one basket and the ‘Pakhtun political voice’ gets strong enough to be heard and respected. Presently, so many political mandarins just sell out the ‘Pakhtun political power’ to the bigger stake holders at Islamabad for their respective interests. It is time for the Pakhtuns to realise this and rectify matters. The Pakhtuns as a whole are victims and hostages to self centered politicians who have exploited the Pakhtuns to the last limit. Let the Pakhtuns now rise and put an end to their political exploitation so that they can then move forward respectfully. For this they will have to vote very sensibly in the next general elections or continue to suffer as at present and in the past. The Pakhtuns must bring about a soft revolution through the ballot box. It is now imperative to do that.
Before I end, let me say once again that this page is meant for discussion on Karak politics and therefore the Khattaks should not be misunderstood to be only thinking about Karak and themselves. We are for the betterment of the Pakhtuns as a whole. If you all agree I will open another page for discussions about the Pakhtuns future on a broader front. It will help people from different areas to understand each other better.
Please do read those posts and my articles published about the Pakhtuns’ dilemma in The News. You will find these in the opinion archives on The News website.
Best Regards
I hope those in power are going through this page and keep on getting feed back and also try to rectify the wrongs taking place in Karak.It means nothing if we will be blaming each other for next 60 years but if we provide drinking clean water even to one village in 60 years will be more appreciated.Do that but also this for the help of our poor Innocent people.
Thanks to internet….Every coward can speak loudly………….
iam glad to see that much khattaks discussing their future.i thank its gona morning on land of brave peoples.i am nt in position to say smething more bt remember my nation that ur ldentified by ur leader.try to select leaders brave like lions;they should hav potential to stress high figures.they shouldnt say plz.i hav no personl gradg wid my m p a.bt he is nt representative of my nation khattak.he may b able to run this post well bt what people will think that khattaks havnt anyone to live nd die for name of their nation.i pay special thanks to mr.masood shareef khattak fr providing such forum
sorry fr spell mistak
Assalam alaikum Ikhlaq,
Which MPA are you talking about and who do you think is running this website/Post? This website is my personal website on which I opened a page for discussions with the Khattak youth. Your comment sort of confused me so please do clarify.
It is good to see you here. Please do become an active participant. By the way whereabouts are you? Are you abroad?
Best Wishes
Sir, words are always fruitful but it it needs a specific mentality.If we want to bring a change , a positive social change,then we all have to work hard.We have to come out to realize the very ideal for a socially developed KARAK.To me, what else I can present the reality of our backwardness, that in 2010 , we are being presented by a typical Mulla in Parliament.Have someone can ask from the respected representative to show his role in NA for the prosperity of Karak .?You yourself have to come out in streets to have a contact with a common man. Sir, We all are with u..we have the same dreams but it can not be visualized in air conditioned rooms. The development and prosperity of Karak have to be idealized in Karak and realized in Islamabad.
@Naimatullah.Very well said and we need to unite across the board on one agenda and that is that we should start sending a person to Islamabad,who have vision for Karak and should present our case rather his own over there.
In the region of Karak only a person who is humble , truly democrate and cool minded is welcomed in politics as people of the area, (The Khattaks ),are independent minded and though not much rich but self respected.
Khattaks can never tolerate an arrogant and rude one ,
Assalam alaikum Habi-ul Haq,
This would however, hold true for all of us.
I appreciate what you said and what so many others before you have said. What you all tend to forget is that the contestants in the elections are also from the same tribe ..they too are Khattaks and have the same attributes that the Khattak voter has.
I have contested the elections so let me tell you my experiences.
1. Each and every lose voter i.e. those who are not totally committed to this or that political party, or the individual who is the candidate, promise each and every candidate, even if there are five candidates or more by slapping his chest and saying ” Ghum ma waya…bilkul ghum che wa na key…ae mo vote ae tau da…” Imagine saying this to every candidate that comes to your hujra or chowk?
2. The voter pledges his vote but then till the time he is in the polling booth and out of it no one knows whom he has voted for. After the elections the voter tells each of the losing candidate as well as the winner separately that he voted for him!!!!
3. The voter, or some of us who are slightly more influential, will ask for one or sometimes two vehicles so that he can campaign for that candidate but in actual fact the voter uses those vehicles for their personal use. Some even use them on hire like ordinary taxis. Fuel too is at the cost of the candidate.
4. I had once visited a far flung village and saw on my way there that electricity poles had been erected but were missing from some places. The wire was there between some poles but was stolen from between many poles. The end result was that when i arrived at that distant village there was no electricity there. Obviously, because the poles and wire on the way had been stolen. I found a gathering of only about fifty people there and I started talking just as I would if there had been 1500 or more people there and advised them not to sell their votes and that they should make a good decision by voting for someone they think is right for the Constituency even if it was not me. On the way back my colleagues in the jeep said that while you(meaning me) were making that fine speech trying to convince them not to sell their votes etc an elderly person came to me and said ” Da Khattak sahib doomra maghza wailey khuree..da da ma ta wa yaaee che chumra vote pukar di au de yo vote ba chumra paisay prekayee zaka che falankai candidate muzh ta da da rate manaley da” ( Why is Khattak sahib eating his brain so much when he can just tell me how many votes he wants from this village and for how much as the other candidates have agreed to pay so and so amount for each vote)
Are you listening Mr Habi-ul Haq? Are u surprised that despite wires and poles for over twenty years that village is still without electricity?
4. A lot of people in different corner meetings and in question answer sessions during the 2002 elections would ask me that if I get elected will i solve their personal problems or will I say that they should come with this or that influential man so that then he does their sifarish(recommending) and then only will I do their work. My patent answer was always that I am a free man..a very proud and free Khattak with all my self respect, dignity and honour fully intact and that I was not anyone’s slave so I have no problem in dealing with each man on his own and have no reason due to which anyone would dictate to me to help anyone/someone or not. Then i use to tell them “look it is you who have to make yourself free. My tail is in no ones hands and it is you – the voters who have given your tail in other peoples hands. You free yourself and do not tell me to approach someone else for your vote then I too will never say that you go bring so and so with you if you want me to help you. Simple is it not? If you vote for me on someone else’s saying then you have to obviously come for your work through somebody..do you agree? and the voters use to shout and say that I was right.
5. Let me tell you that this straight talk of mine almost made me win except for the dhoka baazi of my own polling agents etc on polling day. People in distant polling stations used my vehicles to transport my voters and then one way or another made so many of them vote for someone else. I salute those steadfast unknown Khattaks who still voted for me despite all these kinds of chaal baazian on polling day.
6. Yes there were 18000 Khattaks who, in 2002, braved all of Karak’s typical political games and still voted for me. I will stand and salute them so many many times, over and over again, as on the polling day they went walking, on their own cycles, their own motorcycles, their own cars and voted for the change many of us just talk about but do not have the courage to bring about. They transported, in their own cars, voters to vote for me while my polling agents used my vehicles to bring my voters to vote against me and for others. Such is our dirty politics. Hats of and salutes to those 18000 brave Khattaks who nearly changed the destiny of the Khattaks in 2002 while many of us succumbed and sold our votes and denied the Khattaks the change that would have made a huge difference.
6. Tell me why cannot the proud Khattak say to a candidate ” look here …you are a nice guy..I would have liked to vote for you but I think so and so will be better for us and so am going to vote for him and not for you”. What is so brave about banging your chest for five different candidates and saying to each one of them ” Ghum ma waya…za ta sara yan..” Tell me what is great about doing this and tell me if this is not true.
7. My campaign revolved around breaking the status quo so that I would be the representative of the poorest Khattak just as much as I would be for the richest Khattak. This is why my campaign did not revolve around hujras but around talking to people of an area in an open ground where everyone could come and meet me and talk to me as one people with only one aim, one purpose and one objective..the good of the Constituency and the well being and progress of the Khattaks as a people.
It was not to be. The results of the last eight years are before everyone. There is no need for me to say anything.
As a parting word I would like to say to the Khattak youth, in particular, and the Khattak tribe as a whole that they should concentrate on the future of our people rather than everyone acting as the most righteous sermon maker of all and in the process lose our way altogether and all over again.
I would love to have only one vote that has been given to me by somone thinking that I am the right choice as compared to a million votes that I may have to get through chalaaki, dhoka baazi and fraud of any type – or for which I may have to beg by compromising my own self respect , dignity and honour.
I would never ever want to be the “face of the Khattaks in Pakistan’s politics ” if I am forced to purchase my fellow tribesmen votes or if my fellow tribesmen want me to fall on my knees to beg for the votes”. I would rather not contest such an election. Respect, dignity and honour begets all these things. The traffic is both ways. Let me now start hearing in these comments what someone has done in practical terms in his own sphere of influence. Let us give up the traditional gills shikwa politics and start moving up the road as it is steep and very difficult anyway. Time will always be short.
Best Regards and Wam Regards to everyone
If ever ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY makes it happen I will want to be the proud representative of a proud people -The Khattaks – and I would want the Khattaks to feel proud of the
‘face that represents them in national politics”. One thing is assured that the Khattaks will not be the political orphans that they are today. No face, no voice, no representation – np nothing in the political arena.
So all you educated Khattaks – get your hands together – decide for yourselves what you want and spread the voice for the change that you all desire. Get going and do something to spread the voice for the change you seek. The face for the change will follow – who knows who that could be…
lets stop criticizing and saying all sorts of things – so far the voter and the candidates have all voluntarily played games with each other. Let us put a stop to this so that the self respect that we are all so proud of and keep talking gets to remain intact. How can someone selling a vote for a few hundred rupees or less claim pride and dignity and how can someone who buys that vote that is for sale claim to be a proud and self respecting man? Both are equally degraded people.
So if you want that change – become the volunteer and silent agent for that change now..rest will follow. It will be natural
Best Regards
Assalam alaikum Habi-ul Haq,
This would however, hold true for all of us.
I appreciate what you said and what so many others before you have said. What you all tend to forget is that the contestants in the elections are also from the same tribe ..they too are Khattaks and have the same attributes that the Khattak voter has.
I have contested the elections so let me tell you my experiences.
1. Each and every lose voter i.e. those who are not totally committed to this or that political party, or the individual who is the candidate, promise each and every candidate, even if there are five candidates or more by slapping his chest and saying ” Ghum ma waya…bilkul ghum che wa na key…ae mo vote ae tau da…” Imagine saying this to every candidate that comes to your hujra or chowk?
2. The voter pledges his vote but then till the time he is in the polling booth and out of it no one knows whom he has voted for. After the elections the voter tells each of the losing candidate as well as the winner separately that he voted for him!!!!
3. The voter, or some of us who are slightly more influential, will ask for one or sometimes two vehicles so that he can campaign for that candidate but in actual fact the voter uses those vehicles for their personal use. Some even use them on hire like ordinary taxis. Fuel too is at the cost of the candidate.
4. I had once visited a far flung village and saw on my way there that electricity poles had been erected but were missing from some places. The wire was there between some poles but was stolen from between many poles. The end result was that when i arrived at that distant village there was no electricity there. Obviously, because the poles and wire on the way had been stolen. I found a gathering of only about fifty people there and I started talking just as I would if there had been 1500 or more people there and advised them not to sell their votes and that they should make a good decision by voting for someone they think is right for the Constituency even if it was not me. On the way back my colleagues in the jeep said that while you(meaning me) were making that fine speech trying to convince them not to sell their votes etc an elderly person came to me and said ” Da Khattak sahib doomra maghza wailey khuree..da da ma ta wa yaaee che chumra vote pukar di au de yo vote ba chumra paisay prekayee zaka che falankai candidate muzh ta da da rate manaley da” ( Why is Khattak sahib eating his brain so much when he can just tell me how many votes he wants from this village and for how much as the other candidates have agreed to pay so and so amount for each vote)
Are you listening Mr Habi-ul Haq? Are u surprised that despite wires and poles for over twenty years that village is still without electricity?
4. A lot of people in different corner meetings and in question answer sessions during the 2002 elections would ask me that if I get elected will i solve their personal problems or will I say that they should come with this or that influential man so that then he does their sifarish(recommending) and then only will I do their work. My patent answer was always that I am a free man..a very proud and free Khattak with all my self respect, dignity and honour fully intact and that I was not anyone’s slave so I have no problem in dealing with each man on his own and have no reason due to which anyone would dictate to me to help anyone/someone or not. Then i use to tell them “look it is you who have to make yourself free. My tail is in no ones hands and it is you – the voters who have given your tail in other peoples hands. You free yourself and do not tell me to approach someone else for your vote then I too will never say that you go bring so and so with you if you want me to help you. Simple is it not? If you vote for me on someone else’s saying then you have to obviously come for your work through somebody..do you agree? and the voters use to shout and say that I was right.
5. Let me tell you that this straight talk of mine almost made me win except for the dhoka baazi of my own polling agents etc on polling day. People in distant polling stations used my vehicles to transport my voters and then one way or another made so many of them vote for someone else. I salute those steadfast unknown Khattaks who still voted for me despite all these kinds of chaal baazian on polling day.
6. Yes there were 18000 Khattaks who, in 2002, braved all of Karak’s typical political games and still voted for me. I will stand and salute them so many many times, over and over again, as on the polling day they went walking, on their own cycles, their own motorcycles, their own cars and voted for the change many of us just talk about but do not have the courage to bring about. They transported, in their own cars, voters to vote for me while my polling agents used my vehicles to bring my voters to vote against me and for others. Such is our dirty politics. Hats of and salutes to those 18000 brave Khattaks who nearly changed the destiny of the Khattaks in 2002 while many of us succumbed and sold our votes and denied the Khattaks the change that would have made a huge difference.
6. Tell me why cannot the proud Khattak say to a candidate ” look here …you are a nice guy..I would have liked to vote for you but I think so and so will be better for us and so am going to vote for him and not for you”. What is so brave about banging your chest for five different candidates and saying to each one of them ” Ghum ma waya…za ta sara yan..” Tell me what is great about doing this and tell me if this is not true.
7. My campaign revolved around breaking the status quo so that I would be the representative of the poorest Khattak just as much as I would be for the richest Khattak. This is why my campaign did not revolve around hujras but around talking to people of an area in an open ground where everyone could come and meet me and talk to me as one people with only one aim, one purpose and one objective..the good of the Constituency and the well being and progress of the Khattaks as a people.
It was not to be. The results of the last eight years are before everyone. There is no need for me to say anything.
As a parting word I would like to say to the Khattak youth, in particular, and the Khattak tribe as a whole that they should concentrate on the future of our people rather than everyone acting as the most righteous sermon maker of all and in the process lose our way altogether and all over again.
I would love to have only one vote that has been given to me by somone thinking that I am the right choice as compared to a million votes that I may have to get through chalaaki, dhoka baazi and fraud of any type – or for which I may have to beg by compromising my own self respect , dignity and honour.
I would never ever want to be the “face of the Khattaks in Pakistan’s politics ” if I am forced to purchase my fellow tribesmen votes or if my fellow tribesmen want me to fall on my knees to beg for the votes”. I would rather not contest such an election. Respect, dignity and honour begets all these things. The traffic is both ways. Let me now start hearing in these comments what someone has done in practical terms in his own sphere of influence. Let us give up the traditional gills shikwa politics and start moving up the road as it is steep and very difficult anyway. Time will always be short.
Best Regards and Warm Regards to everyone
If ever ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY makes it happen I will want to be the proud representative of a proud people -The Khattaks – and I would want the Khattaks to feel proud of the
‘face that represents them in national politics”. One thing is assured that the Khattaks will not be the political orphans that they are today. No face, no voice, no representation – np nothing in the political arena.
So all you educated Khattaks – get your hands together – decide for yourselves what you want and spread the voice for the change that you all desire. Get going and do something to spread the voice for the change you seek. The face for the change will follow – who knows who that could be…
lets stop criticizing and saying all sorts of things – so far the voter and the candidates have all voluntarily played games with each other. Let us put a stop to this so that the self respect that we are all so proud of and keep talking gets to remain intact. How can someone selling a vote for a few hundred rupees or less claim pride and dignity and how can someone who buys that vote that is for sale claim to be a proud and self respecting man? Both are equally degraded people.
So if you want that change – become the volunteer and silent agent for that change now..rest will follow. It will be natural
Best Regards
Dear and our Great Leader
Sir i am your Great Supporter and i wish to see you as our Representative in National Assembly,we friend mostly discussed that If Major Sb would be our leader then our karak conditions were not like that which we see in present. It is our bad luck that we can not brought you as our representative as NA member, inshallah we would not repeat at in future, sir please in next election do not repeat your previous intention that cannot join the election race.sir please please we see you as our leader.
Amjad Siddique Khattak
tehsil T/Nasrati
Bogara Karak
Respected sir Ist I m very thankful to you for providing this forum to the youngster of karak so that they can easily communicate with their great Leader.Sir I m your strong supporter and your fan.whenever i think about our karak politics than feel that now a days we are politically orfan.because the peoples that our elder khattaks sent to national and provincial Assembllies have no ability to represent us .they have no spirits of great Leaders.Even they can not stand on the floor of Assembllies to say and demand something for karak and for the peoples of karak.ma tu ye kehta ho k jo khud ko na introduce kar sakhy wo hamy kia represent karain gy because peoples says which type of peoples are you peoples sending to ASsembllies that cannot speak and we have no answer.the situation is very bad and in this postion peoples eyes are towards you because we donot need politics of Handpump,we donot need politics of son job etc.we need change.and we need university,we need medical college,we need engineering university in karak because our peoples have so much talent but their resources are limit.Respected sir cum forward Aur ban jao hum youngster ke awaz because we will support you. we will compaign for you.and must cum in the coming election because we want to see you in National Aseemblly.OR we want you chief Minister KhyberPukhtunkhwa Q k aj tak karak sy koi be nhe aya wazer-e-ala.
“Wish you all success in times to come”
Suliman Khattak
Jandri karak.
Dear Masood Sharif Sb……..
I don’t know you as for as perosnal relations are concerned, did not visit you for any personal favours,never saw you personally, will not do that in future, insha Allah, but i voted for you & will do that again & again because of the principles & the vision you have. I believe in collective & over all progress of my people, my area & the pashtoons, by & large. We must look beyond personal advanges which has so far bottle necked our collective progress.
Few days back when i was in Pakistan, i had to travel to Bannu, i was very much grieved to see the road from Karak to Surdag……….looks like there has been rocket attacks on it…while Bannu received so many development projects, presenting a view like Peshawar………off course not jealous with Bannu development as it’s our neighbour but got very much depressed to see that their is no one to work for karak. Every one is running behind personal advantages….which is ,indeed, worrisome..
So i beg all my khattaks to think of collective advantages, unite on one point which is the development of Karak….all other things will come automatically with it…………Thank you all
Dear sir masood sharif:
Salam: sir i will not take a lot of ur time but i will only request u to kam to karak and take the responsibility of leading deprived nation. God had gifted u tons of talent and excellence. please come back and throw out the two-numbers leaders, mulvis and m ufties. they destroyed nation and they are umware of how one can lead a nation. we need u badly. if u dont come back, remember, people of karak will come to ur home and will take u back to karak by force for leading them, it is because people think that have wasted time. i am a master in economics and being an educated person, a think u need to revise ut stance and decide to come back soon. i appreciate ur talent and i have proud to see how great u r. it abvously show how great other kahttak will be. i pray for ur long life. Asmat ullah khattak, Vice-president, pakistan society of professional economists.
Sir we want to see you as our representative in National Assembly.
Sir, karak really need u so plz think about and plan for next election.
A O A..we,the khattak, are proud of you.we think that ppp will honoured your service for the party and will gave you a responsible post but now we are dishearted and disappointed. however we pray for your bright future
May Allah bless you for a post to serve the Khattak tribe.(Ameen)
Dear Maj khattak,
Hope you are fine but must be worried regarding current situation of pakistan espacially KPK and Karak as almost everyone is.
Providing oppertunity to youth to contact you is great work,i just love it,Thanks Afaq to informing me.
Before 2002 elections (espacially till your election campaing tour to Latamber,i,e, Miltry ground) i knew you as a retired Army then civil beurocrate who has worked alot for Distt Karak but after attending the above mentioned jalsa i came to know your political views which were great……..
You talked in broader prospective which usually politicians dont because they just cant as they dont have the knowldege,courage, they are just limited in every aspact they just dont know what is need of today they are in to the old mind frame…………..
Because of their stuipid attitude Distt karak is still in dark ages even having almost 100% litracy rate,one of the most peacfull Distt of Pakistan,one of the most rich Distt in terms of natural resources, LEADER is the one who drives the nation but till today we didnt find ONE……
Dear khattak sb you have given very brief answer to Mr Habib ul haq and its very correct but Habib sb’s comment is also valid because there is a difference in beurocracy and politics…….
May ALLAH give you strength and oppertunity to serve Karak again and to change point of view of our voters,because our vote is not an ordinary piece of paper it has got lot of power but we as a nation dont know INSHA ALLAH things will work and i am very optomistic that we ll come to know the power of democracy the true democracy
There is a suggestion for you hope you wont mind,
kindly bring some change in your personality as there is a difference in beurocracy and politics and INSHA ALLAH you are our next MNA.
Misbah Akbar,
Village Latamber,
we proud on you, MashAllah you have got a good talent, and knowing everything!!!
we proud on you…….
whole “KHATTAK” Tribe proud on you!
you should be in National assembly from NA-15
We all with you!!!!
Majid khan khattak
We need SHARIF School System our region, purely from your school of thoughts and by your managements. thank you
your khattak
We need SHARIF School System (SSS) in our region, purely from your school of thoughts and by your managements. thank you
your khattak
I support Majid Khan’s comments. Like it.
I think we should bring broader issues in front of sir Sharif, like the benefits of Oil and gas in the District. Khattak should not be ignored in employement and facilities in the area. There should be a proper qota in management. Alhmdulah Karak has plenty of talented graduates in allmost all fields, so they be utilized here.
INSHALLAH Masood Sharif Khattak will be Future leader of Pakistan this will be proud 4 us that Any one Khattak is a Leader Of Pakistan.I Hope INSHALLAH he will make a change in Pakistan ..He is Pathan he can Be Confidential Person..we promise we will fully Support of Our Future Leader..So we are eager to see Our Leader Sir Masood Sharif Khattak……..
All the Khattaks should come forward & vote for Masood Sharif Khan Khattak when ever he decide to contest election. Please do it for a cause & a certain change which is need of the hour. We should have people like Masood Sharif Khan Khattak as our representatives in the assemblies. Though I ‘m not from Khattak tribe but I would urge young generation living in Karak area & especially Khattak youth who can make this change happen.
My Best wishes to everyone
I agree on the proposal of establishment technical university for district karak.Further delay will cause backwardness in the district ,especially in comparison with neighbhouring kohat,bannu and DIK .
Can we agree and endeavour in this regard together regardless of caste,color or creed or even politics to expedite things ?
kind regs,
Isnt it funny but also so true ,the observations gained through your experience…
In 1997, i supported a NA candidate from karak whom i thought was educated and a better choice ,although in karak he has always failed in elections.
And i discovered also that reasons were pretty much the same as you mentioned but sometimes even money wont help as its the ‘family/tribal connection’ or ‘bonded vote’ (taralay vote) which is an issue.
I was able to win him three polling booths/villages coz of my dad’s good will and work in the area; and personal convincing but really i felt why would a decent modern educated guy go back and serve his people/area where mindsets wont change.
Ironically, i was opposed in my own village by my dear and friendly influential cousins who are well educated /solvent and active in politics coz they had an unnatural alliance with ANP by then to fulfill (their past opponents) .They spent time till last night convincing me to switch sides but i wont as i wanted to vote according to conscious.I could argue so coz education give me the ability to judge the value of a vote for the righteous person.
I wish for my bros and friends from karak to use conscious while voting to a right candidate otherwise we would always be left to cry over spilt milk.
Great men live for others while common lot live for themselves. The very essence of our existance is to help and support others. we khattaks are volatile in nature, very much unpredictable and fond of creating rifts. We are utilitarian to the root having no depthness of thought.Our area is rich with natural resources but due to lack of unity maximum benefit is not taken as we have no leader who can fight for collective cause. I have heard of you as a nice guy having good reputation. But there is still alot to be done. The task is not easy as it seems to be.
I am agreed with Imran Ali Khan views.
The Politics is the process which makes decisions by powerful groups in the World. In fact, Politics is a game of power and it is a great art to prolong ruling and to rule the world. The game of global politics that the mighty play to hold their influence over the weak Nations and the global affairs of the world to seek a writ that “might is right”so the politics of our country is totally diffrent than world we r looking all pakistani nation are suferring by our Weak Leadership,we should follow by own self principle of unity and humanity as islam teach us.than we become able to lead..
hum ne seeka hai azan e saher se ye usool—khattak khwabida hon tu ham sada dety hany.
i am also glad to see alot of khataks here.i want to share my xperience regarding khataks.khush khan khan khatak said”pa khatako ke me nar ledalay na dy,za khushal paki abas hasi peda yem”.its very true.we noted that khataks change their words,promises.they are greedy,and the most worst people n pathans.thanx
Dr Hhizarhayat sahib,I was greatly shocked to see your comments about khattaks,specially saying them the most worst people in pathan.you must know that best and worst are present in every tribe and nation.may be you faced worst people,however being a doctor and an educated man you should not use suchtype words as such words expose the quality of the man using it…..with regards
Nice Comments
Respected Masood Sharif Khan Khattak,
I watched a talk show Islamabad tonigh date 12.1.2011 which you are invited as a guest so i decide you have soft corner for pashtuns otherwise there are many pashtuns who are in great posts but they dont care about pashtuns.
today want I your attention for a problem with pashtuns who living in other provinces of pakistan, I know this not a big problem for you or any other mature and practical person but as a student I think this is a very big problem for all pashtuns students
Sir,can you please explain this to nation why none pashtuns { mostly punjabis} making fun with pashtuns I spend 14 years in rawalpindi many times I faced racial discrimination against pashtuns they calling us khoochis when they talk with us they talk like this oye khan saib khoochi tum kaha jati.. etc khan is a very honor tittle but they use this for fun.Well I know poor people have no rights or respect and pashtuns are poor but I and many pashtuns have good standard life then these people then why they treat us like this.If you read this message then please do something for this problem.
Assalamalaikum Swabiwal.
I have read your message and absorbed it entirely. I can also understand your feelings very well. Thank you for sharing your inner thoughts. Will keep in touch on it. Keep watching the shows…Work hard and work honestly wherever you are. May ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY be your Guide and Protector always. Amen Suma Amen
I watched many Tv interviews of Sharif khattak and i personly met him, while hand shaking i observed and felt all the qualities of great leaders in him, absalutely perfect.
I wish and i ill say again and request him again for System School, because our next generation need the thaughts and ideas from the leader directly.
Before leaving the school level every one should inriched with ideas and equiped with tools on track by guideline.
your Khattak
I proud on you rather all khattak’s should proud on you as you have given the identity to the khattak’s in the capital of Pakistan. Sir go ahead, we all will strength your hands. Thanks
Salam To Sharif Khattak!
I appreciate ur courage by rightly pointing to the fact that today the establishment of Pakistan( mostly in Panjabi Mohajir hands) has confined the war on terror to only Pukhtoon belt on both sides of the durand line.Are we guinea pigs in Pakistani Laboratory? Can Pakistan not run without Pukhtoon blood?Why they don’t consider us human beings? Why our schools, hospitals, mosques, hujras, and sports teams are bombed? Why does Pakistan army boast of the strongest army when it can not save us from this barbarism? Why Panjabi and Mohajir Generals are superseding or side lining our Pukhtoon brothers in army? Why they are showing us now as terrorists in their TV plays when in fact all this bullshit of terrorism and extremism was brought, implanted and nurtured by our own army for its so called strategic depth policy.I hate to call myself Pakistani unless the bloody establishment stop these dirty dollar games and let us live peacefully.I request you and all ex servicemen to join any Pukhtoon nationalist party like ANP or PMAP or even launch any one of ur own to save the Pukhtoon nation from extinction.The miserable, bloody and disastrous conditions to which the Pukhtoon watan has been subjected by the Paki establishment is a slap on the face of all patriotic Pukhtoon military men and bueaurocrates who untiringly served this country with unmatched enthusiasm and zeal.We better unite on one plate form viz a viz other nationalities and demand our due rights collectively.
I’d should verify with you here. Which is not something I usually do! I get pleasure from studying a put up that can make individuals think. Also, thanks for permitting me to remark!
mr khattak the great
by chance i found ur website
i m very pleased to saw ur website and ur regular reply to ur viewer
dear khattak i have a sugestion that from some kind of acadmey which motivate young khattak toward css becoz our tribe z rich n army but poor n this field. khattak,s r rich n talent and we r hard working as well.if u provide a plateform then i think u will find majority of khattk as css officers who can change the fate of karak and ur this contribution well be remembered long way
I am glad to see u major masood sharif on net. U should not loose heart by this dirty politics. Like u are required to clean this field. buck up , We r with u.
I am glad to see u major masood sharif on net. U should not loose heart by this dirty politics. Like u are required to clean this field. buck up , All the young educated ktks r with u.
@ Dr.Hizarhayat: All pathans are tribals like khattak, yousafzai, Afridi, Orakzai, Bangash etc….non tribals were either slaves or servants of pathans….u have that slavish back ground…slaves and servants usually compalin of their masters…….not a big deal……degrees can’t, necessairly, change mentalities….U have that problem…..don’t mind..
Daer Major Masood . Saw your post and trying to understand your vision for Karak and Pakistan. I am doing some social work as per my capcity in UAE since 30 years helping in job and settlement over here. I have change the life of so many families. But this is all peanet . We need something very unique and creative and far thinking to change the face of not only Karak but the whole Pakistsn. Y was closely related PPP Zardari and Bhutto Family for your own prosperity and liftupand you know a person is alway judge by his freiand and coleage not by his personal speech or claim. know more better than anyone that howmuch the leadership is honest and what is the history of PPP and its Facist leadership from Bhutto to Bilawal. If y so serious for Khattak cause and Pakistan than pl join Imran Khan or any any other honest political party atleast y can claim that the new generztion will trust y and your leadership. world has change now, people are better educated and havy more knowledge about politic. Claasical corroupt politic is short time exploiting poor poeople of Of Pakistan for small things is like gaving kandy to child. We should grow up now to learned from other countries and civilization how to make Pakistan progressive and stable country. We support your mission if it is begining with Khattak and lasting for the whole Pakistan.I have not seen y except on TV once but most of the Khattak praise you . The job y have y have provided in IB in your early career or there may be some things better y have done. W e pray and support all those who work for their area development and have vision for Pakistan as whole and work with politial party have clean record in their past. I wish to hear your future plan of action and what we do to help y strong for the khattak and Pakistan. Regards.
Dear Masood Sahib, I posted my comment earlier ,i am still waiting for your reply. Do y have any clear vision for the progress of area (karak) or Pakistan. Do y have any party . How y can bring change in this current situation alone. Karak is small part of Pakistan.Do y think we should only thank about khattak. or this only slogan for coming election. ANP used pakhtoon slogan for their survival do y have the same plan. One thing is sure. we are first Pakistani and than khattak or pukhtoon. Until we donot work under the honest collective leadership how can be solve thousand problems of country. Letus know ,the method and the majic . please reply so the youth can understand achieve to follow y..
Assalam u Alikum !
Dear sir i read all that you have written for Khattak youth. And i understood what you tried to tell us . and i think you are the only person who can be called A Representative of Khattak People . INSHALLAH .. WE WILL STAND BY YOUR SIDE …(So if you want that change – become the volunteer and silent agent for that change now..rest will follow. It will be natural)..inspirational words.
Major Sb missed the role of ISI filling the ballot boxes for Mullahs! If election is rigged in favor of mullahs what can the honest voters do with their votes? Mullah has its own following of brainwashed maniacs mostly residing in madrassahs however, they win election mostly through a couple of thousands rigged votes and it is done in their favor by none other than ISI. Our Army and ISI are anti-people. So in election day we need to screw ISI first to have fair election and this will require extra efforts and thus we can screw the mullahs!
I really thought that Major Masood would expose the nefarious game played by ISI since Major Masood is from the ARmy and knows quite a lot about it! In the last election even Mian Nisar Gul was handed over the ballots before election day as he had an alliance with Jamiat Ulema! I know people who have thrown tens and twenty copies of ballot into the box! where is justice and democracy in such screwed up place. we need to raise awareness and teamup against ISI and Mullah and nail them! The educated khattaks are pussycats and sucking up only for their self-centered lifestyle! they aint got it! or they must prove it
How about using a brush? Or take a fork or knife and stuff a green scrub pad inside the mug and scrub with that combo? That’s what I do for stuff I can’t fit my hand into. Or use denture cleaner, tablets or powder.
Sir AOA!
First thank you sir for providing us a forum of expressing. Sir you are respected for all of us sir. I didn’t voted for you sir. And in future i will not vote for you sir becoz i have decided for Pti this time. I read your ans to someone sir about voters, your experienc. Sir i have objection on some points. Selling votes: sir you and the whole country watched that we( karak dist kttks) have electd MNA Shah saab n 2002 and Mufti saab in 2008 and both i think cannot buy votes. Bcoz they were of weak financial positions. There may be a little figures who will sell the votes but i think your own agents have given you only these info. Sir selling and buying of votes cannot change results from 27000 to 18000. Sir in my openion the main thing which our distt faces is lack of education and less interest of young blood. Sir we r divided in “khels and qabeelas” and when our elders decide to vote for some one then we the young blood not interfere in them and vote on elders sayings. And when there are two khels( khaanadans) in a vilage then f one vote for you then other wil vote for other one bcoz both khels elders have pesonal grudges in between. And these elders donot what means MNA or Mpa means.
Thank you sir
Engr.Rehman Ullah khattak.
Nusrat abad takhte nasrati.
Dr Hizrhayat!
Your name means that you are “Maseeha” but your way of comenting is not proper. Please read and think.
“da Afghan pa nang me otharhallah Tora!
Nangyalai da zamaney Khushal KHATTAK Yam”
I think its the answar of your blames. And i think you are Doctor like “Rehman Malik”
good news for khattaks. it will be a very good news if khattak sahib join PTI
Tehreek e insaf)
It would have been better had you arranged a Public gathering at Karak and announced your joining PTI there. Still you have time to reach your constituency and appraise your voters about your decision with good reasons. Choice is yours.
Thanks a lot of for article. Bookmarked your website
sir i am a doctor presently working in KSA. i congratulate you on joining Imran, who is considered to be the last hope of pakistan. i have a humble suggestion for you to visit karak very frequently as our people love their land and love the one who is with them. u should make a plan to visit all the villages in karak before forthcoming elections. our sincere prayers and best wishes with you (till the time u r working for my lovely country in general and my dear homeland in particular). may Allah help and bless u in ur efforts.
Dear sir up-till today i am not clear about this that how many MPA’s and MNA’s will be selected for PA and NA from karak. Secondaly sir that Shams Ur Rehman will be take part for Provincial or National Assembly from karak, If for National then he will be candidates from Which place either from Choontra or bada daud shah or somewhere else..
Best Regard’s
Masood you are indeed pride of Karak District and its people.. i also belong to the same District… have done M.Phil in Politics but jobless still as i don’t have high source for job in this corrupt government where all government jobs are filled with loyal political workers…
i want you to be the MNA from district Karak…… but then please never forget to do something great for our deprived district and its people…
Wish you to have good affiliation with PTI.
My name is Asif Khan Khatak a big fan of Khatak because of Being Khatak as well as i have many of my relatives working for Intelligence Bureau of Pakistan.
Sir I m glade to see and listen your opinion for Karak city. We want CMH in Karak. Because you now that karak most peoples are in defence.and CMH is the basic required of Karak soldier.l pleasure about your vision which you have for Karak such as CMH,UNIVERSITY, MED COLLEGE,WATER AND IRRIGATION MANSOOBA AND UP THE POVERTY RATE.
Sir plese join pti and lead for khattak nation .